Month: June 2010

  • Working On Correction

    Working On Correction

    SP500/NQ100 working through overbought conditions based on oscillator.

  • Bears Push

    Sovereign debt is certainly the Bears friend these days. In 2009, the Bears were continually run over each time a headline expressed doubts about the overall US economic recovery. After a quick dip, the Bears were crushed by the resumptive upside march. Now that headlines over US unemployment and world finances are being flagged each…



    QRiskValue’s Upward Price Propensity chart looks at what QRV’s price internals are saying about the strength of the underlying benches.

  • Ordering Chinese

    This blog has written several times about the China hype and the downside to great expectations. China has been presented as an endless source of demand and labor, but here is a story about Japan’s current dilemma.