Month: March 2013

  • Good Luck. Again

    S&P500 closed at a record high with every indication the great rally will never end.  Now the valuations of market indexes such as the 500 are rarely wrong.  Well except almost always.  Back in September and October of 2007 when I called the bubble then, same dopes were chiding me for evidence of any breaks. …

  • When Padding Becomes Pudding

    Both the ECB and U.S. Congress believe the markets have enough padding in gains that the policy makers can be uncompromising in their stands on debt relief for the former and debt ceilings for the latter.  This is a serious miscalculation as any savvy market professional can tell you the velocity of the downside is…

  • Overbought/ AAPL or GOOG?

    It would seem GOOG would be the obvious choice here given it is up 15% YTD and AAPL is down 15% YTD.  But data from QRiskValue would still say it is AAPL on a percentage basis of current value. QRiskValue’s metric supposes there is a premium one would be willing to receive to give up…

  • Truth in Selling

    The underlying truth about value is always being distorted by those wishing to benefit from the disinformation.  S&P rating agency knew packaged mortgages were of substandard grade when giving them top ratings because they new the truth about what it took to perpetuate their own business model.  The Fed new the world banking system had…

  • Bloated Cows

    Bloated cows seen floating above ground in Bubblelot as stock and index prices ascend.   Even pigs like AAPL and F have been seen grazing on bear as short position feed lots are near empty.   Ben of Bernacke has not been seen, seeking to use this time to estimate the duration of punishment to hand…