Month: December 2011

  • Year Ending

    Year ends with trading performances whether fast or slow, algo or guesso, challenged to produce alpha mama. Now there were some standout failures by big name hedge fund managers like Harvard MBA John Paulson. Genius. All that money he made front running mortgage paper with the help of Goldman Sachs is gone and probably any…

  • Traders Confounded by Opportunity

    Seems hedge funds and trading organizations having trouble dealing with the volatility presented this year. According to an article in Bloomberg, Traders Confounded as Volatility Extends Run, trading has been attacked by too much opportunity. Here are some of the points; ” Hedge funds are on track to post their second-worst year on record…….” “U.S.…

  • Corzine/ Trades Worse Than He Drives

    Some idiot Congressman today ask Corzine if he had read the MF mission statement when he first took the job. That kind of fool question is a peek into the mindset of a politician playing to a theme or image of a world they want you to believe is out there. In the fools world…